Tuesday, November 4, 2008

To the right is Miles in early May - he is 19 months old there and still has quite a babyness to him. He was walking pretty good, but really toddling. He had words, but now, 6 months later, he has sentences. He enjoys so much - and makes us laugh more than we ever have. Telling stories about cute kids is hard on the reader - I'm not that good a writer. The picture below - of Miles with David was taken on the first day of school. He was ready and eager, and still is. Miles loves a crowd and after a couple of minutes will make friend with everyone around him. We take him to a few restaurants pretty regularly and they all know his name. Below is a picutre taken in our front yard - same day as on the left.
I'll do more catch up in the next few posts. There are lots and lots of cute photos to come.