Tuesday, July 7, 2009

update on the boy July 09

Letter to Miles' foster mom -

Attached is a photo of Miles. It doesn't show his height - 38.5 inches or size (close to 40 pounds). It doesn't show his wit or affection or great intellect. It doesn't even show his hair or his toys or dogs. But he is still enough to be in focus and isn't totally goofing off for the camera. So I'll send this along for now and see if we can get a better photo in the near future.

I'm in love. David too. I don't say this lightly, not being the cooing over children type. I still don't adore all children, partly because none of them (as far as I can tell) hold a candle to Miles. It's good to be a parent, to be unwaveringly 100% smitten with your child. He seems to return the sentiment - or is working it well. Either way I go to the Happy Place every time I hear "I love you mommy". Sigh. I'm easy and he has my number and that's good.

He talks a lot. About his day and his observations. He is full of advice on how to drive, what to wear and doesn't have any trouble making lots of decisions. He is very decisive (bossy) …. good thing he is enormously cute, laughs a lot and is generally flexible when he doesn't get his way.

He approaches new situations with gusto, as we learned when we took him to Manhattan last month. A walk around the block (fire trucks, taxis, dogs!!!) was hugely entertaining. All of this comes with a mountain of charm. Back home I'm the quiet mom behind the kid who is chatting up the customers in our local pizzeria. He knows all the staff by name and will order his own food. He owns the place.

Ok - I could go on. Just wanted you to know that he is exactly the child for us. That it isn't just having a family that makes this wonderful, it is knowing him, the person he is and is becoming.

Thanks - for everything.


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